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Charitable Aims & Objectives:

The preservation and protection of the mental and physical health of women and children who have suffered domestic abuse and sexual violence by providing information, training and support to those at risk

Becoming The Stay Safe Global  Charitable Trust: Introduction and History

In the early 2010’s as a local martial arts instructor, founder Nick Martin was asked by Essex County Council to take part in a National Lottery funded program to deliver self-defence lessons to schools in the local area.


Our journey starts here...


Getting Started

  • Training delivered to young girls in Essex schools:

    Lottery-funded program teaching 14 – 16 year-old girls self-defence and danger avoidance skills.


  • Sought out advice on Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence to a create a ‘comprehensive’ course from local Woman’s Aid funded refuge.

  • Lottery Funding for the schools ended and Nick continued to teach sessions on a one to one basis.


Stay Safe Global Is Born

  • Introduced to UK arm of International NO MORE (UK SAYS NO MORE) campaign to end Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence:

    Partnership with UKSNM to discuss preventative projects around Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence. We decide on a preliminary study into how to best engage with MEN on these issues.  And Podcasts Series ‘In conversation with…’ created in partnership with UKSNM


  • Creation of SSG advisory Board:

    Head of UKSNM Lyndsey Dearlove joins SSG advisory board along side experts in the fields of  Psychology (Professor Everard Phillips) , Sociology (Dr Karl Broome),  Martial arts (Master James Sinclair), Educational professional  (Nicola Clements) and close protection/security awareness professional (Paul Beasley).


  • In partnership with UKSNM we conducted a two year study into how best to engage with Men on the subjects of domestic abuse, sexual violence and harassment.

    Including two national surveys and a global best practice review.

    Part one of this study was launched at a dedicated event hosted by international Law firm Hogan Lovells in the city of London and broadcast live steam to supporters and other sector organisations.

    Part two of this report  is created but has yet to be released, due to Covid 19


  • International delivery begins: Free training to Staff of international tech firm Infosys: Edgeverve in Bangalore India:  Covering Sexual Harassment, danger awareness and avoidance and physical escape skills.

    We were then commissioned to run courses over every Infosys campus in southern India, Bangalore, Hyderdabad, Chennai and Pune.


  • Stay Safe Global Ltd Created:

    In order to complete this work Stay Safe Global had to be officially registered as a Ltd company  and resisted at companies house in the U.K.


Building Momentum

  • Free training for young women and service users of the UDAYAN care Charity/NGO in INDIA.

    (Udayan Care: Protecting and nurturing vulnerable children and youth. Igniting the spark in young women to pursue higher education.)

  • Stay Safe Global C.E.O Shortlisted for volunteer award by HESTA refuges for work during the Covid 19 Crisis.

  • Stay Safe Global C.E.O named as one of Hestia 50 voices to celebrate outstanding contributors to the organisation over its 50 year history - Read about it here

  • Creation of free Domestic abuse resource packs for international clients of Stay Safe Global Ltd

    In response to the sharp rise domestic abuse due to Covid 19 Lockdowns, we provided support advice packs and independently researched and confirmed national domestic abuse support/service contacts for every country where they have a presence (over 20 countries)


Building Relationships

  • Approached by Harris Girl’s academy Bermondsey:

    Trained staff to include our comprehensive course to term curriculum

    Reached out to HESTIA (largest provider of women’s refuges in London) to update Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence content


  • Began to deliver our courses within HESTIA refuges across London:

    Working with survivors of Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence  and modern slavery

2017 – 2019

Going International

  • Free courses provided in response to the Terror attacks at London Bridge:

    In order to reduce fear, we created and delivered free training courses aimed at addressing fears after this tragedy, looking at knife assault and understanding the RUN, HIDE, TELL message from Gov.

    Courses were delivered at premises hired close to London bridge and attended by local workers, NHS staff and employees of local charities. (Inc. Hestia and  Mc Millan cancer support)

  • Became global provider for SALESFORCE personal safety delivery.

    With live training sessions help around the world... San Francisco (H.Q) , Sydney, London, Paris, Munich etc

    Sessions cover:

    1.    Danger awareness and avoidance skills (behavioural and situational analysis strategies)
    2.    Physical escape skills
    3.    Lone wolf terror attack awareness (analysing  the RUN HIDE TELL/FIGHT msg.) aimed at an individuals response instead of a company policy.

  • Stay Safe Global partners with HESTIA and UKSNM on delivery of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence ambassadors course in UK universities. *(charity discount applied)

    The program was to create informed dedicated ‘society’s’ within UK universities to promote, support and sign post fellow students to professional Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence services.

  • Stay Safe Global asked to attend multiple round table events hosted by HESTIA and UKSNM on the subject of of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence prevention.

    Other contributors inc. County police groups, Tech S.O.S,  Survivors UK, Mankind, the Employers Initiative Against Domestic Abuse (EIADA).

  • Free delivery continued in Indian universities.

    We recruited and trained like minded individuals who them went on to deliver our courses (As Stay Safe Global) and free courses were run across the state of Maharashtra for female students as part of the COEP ZEST’19 project led by the College of Engineering, Pune. 

    Free courses was also run at the prestigious Indian school of business in Hyderabad.

  • Free courses provided to youth organisations in response to dramatic rise in London knife Crime.

    Multiple courses provided to the Metropolitan Police Cadets in Redbridge , East London around Knife crime, Fear and understanding emotional control.

  • Stay Safe Global asked to speak at the HESTISA/UKSNM ‘NOMORE WEEK’ event for UK government at Portcullis House, Westminster.

2020 – 2022 & Ongoing:

Post COVID & Charity Formation

  • Commissioned by HESTIA to assist in the Planning, Training and Critical Evaluation of a 3 year Sports England Funded project – Family Fitness.

    A project aimed at using sport and physical activity to help with trauma and rebuild family relationship following domestic abuse and sexual violence

  • Invited to attend the Global Launch of the NO MORE and United Nations: Global Directory for D.A and S.V service

    Speakers including those from U.N Women, The World Bank and the International Finance corporation.

  • Continuation of Podcasts Series:  ‘In conversation with…’ created in partnership with UKSNM

    Discussions recorded and produced with experts to provide advice and exploration of issues surrounding engaging with MEN on DA SV issues.

  • Provided wellness training and personal safety training/advice for U.K Charity -Carers UK via their online portal

  • Filming of free high quality informational and supportive resources around DA SV and sexual Consent.

    We recently commissioned Iowa Films, Production Company to create high quality free resources intended to offer information, advice on how to respond to disclosure and empower meaningful discussion around the topic of sexual consent.

    Involved in the filming were heads of charity services, survivors and representatives from the following organisations.

    -    UKSNM
    -    HESIA
    -    SUVIVORS UK
    -    E.I.A.D.A (Employers Initiative Against Domestic Abuse)
    -     EXINOX CARE

  • Running Domestic abuse champions project for  DXC Technology 

    For Employees support across UK, Ireland and Europe including CPD accredited training, online post training support portal and program data collection.

  • Creation of the Abuse Awareness in Sport: Trauma Informed Coaching Program.

    Working with UK sports accreditation body CIMSPA to offer professional standards mapped training to bring the findings from the Sport England/Hestia, Family Fitness program back to the National Sports/Coaching Sector. Namely;

  • Increase awareness in coaches that they may be training someone who has or is currently experiencing the effects of trauma through abuse or violence

  • Improve the wider culture within physical activity and sporting environments In relation to sexual violence, toxic behaviour and and domestic abuse.

  • Drive to increase the number of trauma-informed coaches who have the requisite skills and understanding to deliver such activities

  • Establish a body of professionals who can deliver training in trauma-informed coaching skills to the physical and sporting sector

  • Formal separation and registering of Stay Safe Global Charitable Trust in August 2022

© 2023 by Stay Safe Global Charitable Trust. Registered Charity Number 1199913

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